What To Do After A Motorcycle Accident


You have been involved in a motorcycle accident. What should you do now to protect your legal rights?

The St. Louis motorcycle accident attorneys at The Neuman Law Firm are available to answer your questions and help you take the necessary steps after a motorcycle accident to protect your rights and ensure that you receive fair compensation for your injuries and damages. Call us now for help and advice toll free at 1-855-603-1773.

With more than 26 years of experience protecting the rights and interest of accident victims, attorney Leonard Neuman of The Neuman Law Firm can help you too. Contact The Neuman Law Firm to schedule your free, confidential no-obligation consultation and case evaluation.

No two motorcycle accidents are the same. The facts of your motorcycle accident and the nature of your injuries will dictate what steps are necessary to protect your legal right and ensure that you receive fair compensation for your injuries and damages. Personal injury attorney Leonard Neuman recommends that accident victims do the following to preserve their rights and obtain full compensation for their injuries:

  • Call the police
  • Take photographs of the scene and the other vehicles involved in the collision
  • Obtain the name, address, telephone number, license number and insurance information of the other drivers involved in the collision
  • Obtain the name, address and telephone number of all witnesses to the collision
  • Do not admit fault to the other driver or the police officer
  • Do not talk with the responsible party’s insurance company or its insurance adjuster:
    The insurance adjuster for the responsible party is not your friend. The insurance adjuster’s job is to represent the insurance company and the interest of their insured. The way to do that is to minimize your claim and pay you the least amount for your claim. With this being said, do not say or do anything that would adversely affect your claim. Therefore, do not give a written or verbal statement to the insurance adjuster without first talking to an experienced motorcycle accident attorney. Do not sign any documents from the other party’s insurance company without the advice of an experienced motorcycle accident attorney.
  • Seek medical treatment for your injuries: Seek medical treatment promptly.
    One of the most frequently used tactics by insurance adjusters to minimize accident victims’ claims is to argue that since an accident victim didn’t seek treatment timely that they were not injured. Be sure to explain how your injury occurred to your doctor. Mention all symptoms and complaints to your doctor. Do what your doctors say and continue your medical treatment until such time as your doctor releases you. Missing your doctor’s appointments or discontinuing your medical treatment before your doctor releases you could adversely affect your claim.
  • Report the accident to your insurance company: Call your insurance company and report the accident to your insurance company. However, do not give your insurance company a statement without talking to an experienced motorcycle accident attorney.
  • Take photographs: A picture is worth a thousand words. Take photographs of the damage to your motor vehicle. Take photographs of any cuts, scrapes, bruises or signs of injury.


For advise and answers to specific questions concerning your motorcycle accident, call the Neuman Law Firm toll free at 1-855-603-1773 for a free, no obligation case evaluation or contact us online by completing the Contact The Firm Form. We handle all motorcycle accident cases on a contingent fee basis which means that there is no fee up-front and there is only a fee at the end of your case if we obtain compensation for you.